Quinquagesima/ Transfiguration Sunday Week Devotional Guide (John Doberstein reprint of German Devotional book)
Theme: The Hidden Glory & Up to Jerusalem
“Behold we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written of the Son of man by the prophets will be accomplished” Luke 18:31
Psalm for the Week: 31
Sunday Lessons:
Old Testament -Exodus 34:29-25 or Jeremiah 8:4-9
Epistle Lesson - 2 Peter 1:16-21 or 1 Corinthains 13:1-13
Gospel Lesson - Matthew 17:1-9 and Luke 18:31-43
Weekday readings:
M. Luke 13:31-35 Genesis 13:i7-18
T. Luke 9:18-23 Luke 9:51-56
W. Joel 2:12-19 Matthew 6:16-21
T. Luke 9: 57-62 Genesis 15:1-6
F. Isaiah 58:5-12 Matthew 6:1-8
S. Mark 9:14-29 Mark 6:45-52
Prayer of the Week:
O God, holy and eternal, who dost permit us to enter into the fellowship of that holy suffering by which thy dear Son, our Savior, conquered sin and death; grant that we may celebrate the remembrance of his passion with true devotion, accept the cross as his disciples, and thus fulfill thy holy will, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.. Amen.