Our Worship services at our 3 little congregations will resume on June 7 (Holy Trinity Sunday).
Faith Ev. Lutheran, Duncansville holds its Worship at 7:45 A.M.
Barley Ev. Lutheran, New Enterprise holds its Worship at 9:30 A.M. and
Faith Ev. Lutheran, Hollidaysburg holds its Worship at 11:00 A.M.
Those attending are asked to
1) wear a mask [Even though the World Health Organization or WHO is now saying that Masks are not necessary and may even cause infections]. But for now we will ask all to wear a mask.
2) sit in every other Pew with at least 6 feet spacing between yourself and any others (other that your immediate family you live with). Sit in the same place each week and use the same hymnal.
3) For the Communion the pastor will wear a mask and gloves for the Words of Institution and distribution. Each desiring to receive should come forward individually pick up an empty glass, receive the body and blood of our Lord, deposit the used glass in the empty tray and return to seat. Allow a 6 foot space. The body of the Lord is placed in each persons hand.
4) For the Offering please come forward indvidually to the stationary Offering plate, deposit your offering and return to your seat. Again allow a 6 foot space between people.
5) at the Conclusion of Worship way at others in greeting while keeping a social distance of 6 feet.