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Reformation Sunday (22nd after Trinity) Week beginning October 31, 22021

Writer's picture: revroyasrevroyas

Reformation Sunday/ Reformation Day October 31, 2021

22nd Sunday After Trinity Week Devotional Guide (John Doberstein reprint of German Devotional book)

Theme: Justification (Freedom In Christ)

“Therefore if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed”John 8:36

Psalm for the Week: 130 or 143

Sunday Lessons:

Old Testament - 1st Samuel 3:19-4:1

Epistle Lesson - Romans 3:21-28

Gospel Lesson - John 8:31-36

Weekday readings:

M. Matthew 7:1-5 Exodus 34:1-9

T. Luke 17:1-4 1 Samuel 26:5-25

W. Matthew 6:9-15 Genesis 33:1-16

T. 1 John 3:18-22 Lamentations 3:37-44, 49-50

F. 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 Genesis 18:20-33

S. 2nd Peter 3:13-18 Isaiah 64:5-11

Prayer of the Week:

O Lord God, heavenly Father, pour out, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit upon thy faithful people, keep them steadfast in thy grace and truth, protect and comfort them in all temptation, defend them against all enemies of thy Word, and bestow upon Christ’s Church militant thy saving peace; through the same they Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.. Amen.

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