The Virus progression Models - I Have been watching the one hour and half Sunday Evening Press Conference on the Virus progression and actions being taken. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Burke have shared information on what the Virus Progression Models show if the stringent precautions are eased up too soon. It points to a horrifying death toll for Americans Young and Old. If the precautions are eased up too early or if segments of the Country ignore the precautions the projection is that 2.2 Million Americans could die (not get sick but die)! That number is horrifying and so the President is being guided by the expert Dr’s is extending the Corona Virus guidelines at least until the end of April. So our Worship will remain closed as well at least until the end of April as well. I will continue to record video’s of reflections on God’s word and publish them n Face Book and figure out how to add them for viewing to our new parish Web site. A number of folks have bee nailing their weekly Tithes and Offerings to my home and Office address and others have been dropping the Offering Envelopes at the house and placing the Envelopes between the storm door and door. Thank you to all as this will help us meet the Utility costs and Insurance which come due and keep our Ministry effort strong. Local, State and Federal Government will not send support to the Churches. Pray that the Scientists and Doctors will be able to develop effective medications to treat this Plague and that after the end of April it will be possible for the businesses and people of our Country can resume work. Pray for those who contract the Virus! Pray that God will help us and all the people of the world struggling with this Virus! And struggle to stay at home! - Pastor Steward
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