Exaudi Sunday - The 6th Sunday after Easter (Easter 7) Week Devotional (John Doberstein reprint of German Devotional book)
Theme: “The Church Expectant”
“I will pour out a spirit of compassion and supplication” Zechariah 12:10
Psalms for the week: 27 and 42
Sunday Lessons:
Old Testament Lesson - Deuteronomy 34:1-8 or Isaiah 32:14-20
Epistle Lesson - 1 Peter 4:7-11
Gospel Lesson - John 15:26-16:4
Week day reading:
M. John 14:15-21 Jeremiah 29:11-14
T. John 15:17-21 Luke 12:8-12
W. 1 Corinthians 2:12-16 1 John 2:24-29
T. John 7:37-39 Numbers 20:2-12
F. Hebrews 11:32-40 Ezekiel 11:14-20
S. Isaiah 41:17-20 Genesis 11:1-9
Prayer of the Week
Almighty, everlasting God, hear the prayers of thy church which waits for thee, and grant that the splendor of thy glory may shine upon it and illumine the hearts of thy reborn children. Prepare us by thy grace to receive thy Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday June 7 (Holy Trinity) Worship Services to reopen at the Parish Congregations.
All attending are asked to wear masks and to be seated in every other row. Families living together can be seated together but all others and more than one family sharing a pew are asked to have at least a 6 foot space in between.
The Offering Plates will be located in a stationary place and all are asked to bring their offering to that stationary place and to allow a 6 foot space between themselves and any preceding them.